Thursday 15 November 2012

Starting over

When you were 8 did you want to be a teacher? Or a nurse? Doctor? Vet? Insert 8 year old chosen job title here. I'm pretty sure that when I was 8 I had plans to be a teacher. Mind you my 8 year old self also used to go through my mam's catalogue picking out which cot I would have in my nursery and which buggy my 2 children would need to make sure they were comfortable...ah those days; I wonder what my 8 year old self would think if they could see me now? I like to think that self would look at me and think yep, she rocks, even if she's not exactly what I had in mind...

The reason I'm thinking of my 8 year old self is that I'm trying to write a personal statement that will essentially help me start all over again which got me thinking about what I used to think I was going to do for a job and career. I'm not going to reveal too much at the moment as it's still very much in the planning and hoping it will happen stage. When (and if) it's finalised I will of course do the grand revealing on this, my old faithful blog. 

I think though, fundamentally, I struggle with the idea of just choosing one thing as what I want changes on an almost daily basis depending on what I've seen or done or read that has inspired me. Take today for example. Today I would have merrily left work after a crackin' lunch with my ladies, come home and packed a bag, and taken myself here:

Spent a couple of hours looking round for the perfect apartment:
Before heading here:
For some quality cafe and delicious patisserie:
I really should stop reading books about living in Paris - all it does is make me want to do it! One day...

In the meantime I shall stick with my secret(ish) plans, survive the 5 days that start on Monday and end on Friday and live for the 2 glorious weekend days before we start all over again. Au revoir...

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