Friday 12 October 2012


So let's recap:

I didn't start the daily yoga or do much about improving my exercise regime, and today I didn't even walk from my park and ride, I rode the bus for the sole reason of saving my new favourite shoes from certain death which will be inevitable if I hammer the pavements in them.

I realised by Wednesday that I only have a couple of dresses so didn't manage to wear a dress each day, but I did manage to wear skirts instead so didn't wear jeans once this week. Progress!

I did eat marginally better, but Thursday saw an epic fail in staying away from cakes when I began the day with a chocolate brioche and ended it mid afternoon with a sparkling strawberry cupcake from the cafe that lives about 20 metres away from my desk. Ho hum.

And now because it's Friday and I've completed my work week I can't remember what the other aim for the week was - doh!

To all of the above I say a big fat nyeh. Life is short and I intend to enjoy it by eating as much cake as I want, being as lazy as I want, wearing cool studded shoes that I heart so, and buying lots of lovely clothes now that I've remembered the pin number for my credit card...okay maybe not so much of the last one as too much debt is never clever.

Happy weekend folks. Enjoy your cakes!

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